
Twitter: emmafiegert
My designs website: Emma Fiegert

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Nova imatge del profile de @TweetPeli?

Aquesta és una entrada per tal de proposar a @TweetPeli per tal que canvïin la seva imatge de profile del Twitter per una he que fet jo. A veure si els agrada!
Si no els l'agrada... continuaré essent "follower" al Twitter igualment! ;)

N'he fet tres, dos de molt iguals i l'altre molt senzill... Quin us agrada més?

P.S.: Com podeu comprovar estic fent ressò del seu projecte indirectament... Encara que ara no sigui per RT, ho faig per BLOG!! ;) Ànims amb la TweetPeli gent!!!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Fake Apple products on the web?

Recently I saw an ad in a web, you know this GoogleAds or other ones... This one had shocked me a lot. A company were giving fake iPads out! Couldn't believe it! Currently there are really odd companies which sells fictional Apple products! :S

Then I saw another ad, which a company was selling old iPhones 3G... However, this is not the shocking part, but they are selling all sort of colour iPhones 3G!!! I thought there were only black and white ones!!! Furthermore, it says “Good quality”... Ok, what is that supposed to mean? That iPhone has good quality colours, or screen, or is a good quality gadget? Nah! iPhone is an Apple product, it has the best high quality in technology! What were the ad companies thinking about?