
Twitter: emmafiegert
My designs website: Emma Fiegert

Monday 27 December 2010

2011 Series

Para el próximo año, he pensado en empezar dos series de historias:

1. Secretos Confesables: (en castellano) Esta será una serie de vivencias personales o de mis alrededores que me parezcan interesantes para compartirlas con todos vosotros. Cada primero de lunes de cada mes escribiré una historia que os acercará más a mí.

Cualquier similitud con la realidad no es pura coincidencia. Son vivencias y seguro que alguno/a las ha podido vivir. En cualquier caso espero que si alguien se siente aludido/a ¡comente! Las ganas son la clave.

(Seran vivencias durante mis años en Barcelona - pasado y presente -)

2. Mystery Tweets: (in English) This will be a story. Every last Monday of the month will be published a post of a chapter of the story. It will last until you say so or when there is nothing to tell any more.

Each story begins with a "to be continued...-mysterious" tweet at my Twitter's account (@emmafiegert) at 12:00 am of the day before the publication. The beginning of each one will be having a length of 140 characters, the maximum allowed in this social network. And since it is a very small capacity to write an entire chapter and explain a particular story, the person can access to the rest of the story through this Blog.

So, these are unfinished Tweets, which are born with the morbid curiosity (in my Twitter) and end with the desire satiated (in my blog) or wanting for more (comment on my blog + waiting for another story) ;)

(They will be stories of my lifetime in London - then and now -)

Are you in?


Monday 20 December 2010

Parecidos razonables (IV)

Aquí va la cuarta entrega de los Parecidos razonables, que no creo que las similitudes puedan estar en alguna otra página web, porqué al menos yo no la he encontrado.
Esta vez, he añadido un factor que hace aún más interesante los parecidos. Podemos ver que si juntamos a Demi Lovato (Sonny with a Chance, Camp Rock 2: Final Jam) y Selena Gómez (Wizards of Waverly Place, Ramona & Beezus) nos puede salir una actriz británica, que me encanta y por muchos no conocida, éste es el caso de Jemima Rooper (As If, Lost In Austen); y el mismo resultado nos queda al juntar a Lea Michele (Glee) y Idina Menzel (Enchanted, Glee). Otras que también podría incluírse sería Hayley Williams (vocal de Paramore) y rozando el límite de parecido la actriz estadounidense Hilary Swank, que ambas juntas puede quedar una fase final de Jemima Rooper.

Idina Menzel

Lea Michele

Hilary Swank

Hayley Williams

Selena Gómez
Demi Lovato

Jemima Rooper

Otros posts relacionados:
- Parecidos razonables (I)
- Parecidos razonables (II)
- Parecidos razonables (III)



Monday 13 December 2010

Free apps vs. paid apps

For the most of iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad users try to get the best of its products owned. However, to do so we have to enhance the device to whole new level to make it really useful. For that matter we download different apps to make the perfect device for the daily uses. The problem comes when all of this apps have to be paid. It is true that we live in a society that refuses to pay something that can be bought for no money. So there it comes when human being puts all its mind to care new ways of getting those needs for free. In the case of Apple app store it is already done. There are apps that has to be paid to own them, which that means they are good for its purposes, but there are others that actually are free and they are good to that purposes too.

It is also true that when apps are free we tend to download quicklier (without thinking too much) than the paid ones. It does not matter if the free apps are useful, the matter is that they are free! However, sometimes it is difficult to know whether a free app is really useful or not.

On the other hand, there are free apps that actually have the full features that a standard user needs, with no need to pay for the full version. Here there are some of the lite version of apps that mostly replace some of the features of the full version apps, which actually most of us only use when we have it.

First, Penultimate (for iPad). This app is sort of a virtual notebook. It costs US $3.99. However, for those that only want to write something down or just make a little drawing and use it casually, do we need to pay $4? NO! There is an alternative, Adobe Ideas, it is free and works for iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone!
Mind to be the same with Note Taker HD (for iPad).

Second, GoodReader (for iPad). This app costs US $1.99. If you are those that just want to read some documents that had been sent to your device, GoodReader is more than enough. It gives you the possibility to modify those docs that you have previously downloaded and "audio/video player and Safari-like viewer for MS Office and iWorks files". However, for those that only what to watch, zip, download and share documents, there are: PlainText for writing a document, ZipFileViewer for zip documents, Downloads lite for download documents filed on links. And, well, you guessed, they are all free!

In any case, these are some alternatives for those people who do not what to spend a lot of money for apps, and also do not need all of its features or not really going to use them very much. However, if you are of those people that really need every feature of an app, do not hesitate, buy it! Sometimes full daily work apps are not expensive when they are really need and used.

Note: When you click the link you will see the web page of the app on Apple UK site. In order to change language and the app store of your country, mind to go to the top web page bar and change "/uk/" to the ccTLD (Internet country code top-level domain) where you living, in exception of those countries that Apple does not have store, that you will have to remain to the Apple UK site.