
Twitter: emmafiegert
My designs website: Emma Fiegert

Monday, 27 September 2010


En muchas páginas web encontramos que nos ofrecen jugar a cambio de una "recompensa", la cual está asociada al juego que se juega. Como soy una fan Apple y normalmente entros en sites que tienen algo que ver con los productos de éste. Por consiguiente los anuncios, juegos que se me presentan en las páginas pueden ser diversos tipos.

Ya sé que he posteado otras veces sobre diferentes ads, pero como que éstos son nuevos y tienen algo que ver con lo que me gusta, es decir, la tecnología Apple, pues aquí os lo enseño.

Aquí hay otro anuncio, que aunque no sea de tecnología también vale la pena mirárselo, pues es básicamente, digámoslo, diferente de los demás de fútbol.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Parecidos razonables (I)

Bien es muldialmente sabido que hay actores y actrices que tienen un gran parecido. Aún se acentúa más cuando éstas siguen una moda concreta. Sea el maquillaje, sea el peinado, sea la manera de vestir.

Aquí os hago una relación de una estirpe de bellezas muy parecidas entre sí: Lilly Alen, Emily Blunt, Zoey Deschannel, Anna Friel, Katy Perry.
Aunque se parezcan, me encanta el rasgo característico que cada una de ellas quiere presumir.

Lilly Alen
Emily Blunt

Zoey Deschannel

Anna Friel

Katy Perry

Otros posts relacionados:

- Parecidos razonables (II)
- Parecidos razonables (III)


Monday, 13 September 2010


With the occasion of the new Apple September '10 Keynote; which, as usually, was about music products of Apple Inc. I wanted to fill the points to the list of the differences between the iPhone and the new (sept. '10) iPod Touch. And, as seen on the first time both gadgets (2007), I wanted to make an update*.

- There is no email client on the iPod Touch
- There is no Maps application on the iPod Touch
- There are no Stocks or Weather widgets on the iPod Touch
- There is no built-in camera for the iPod Touch
- There are no Blutooth capabilities for the iPod Touch
- The iPod Touch has a differently styled "Dock," with a reflective surface -- akin to the Dock that will debut with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
- While the iPod Touch is sleeping, the user can tap the home button twice to bring up touch controls on the screen -- a feature the iPhone currently lacks
- The iPod Touch has a separate Contacts app -- it's built into the Phone application on the iPhone
- The iPod Touch has separate Video and Music apps, whereas the iPhone has a single "iPod" app that contains these functions
- There is apparently (and obviously) no microphone on the iPod Touch, though it will be interesting to see if such audio-in capabilities could be enabled via a third-party device.
- The iPod touch's headphone jack is on the bottom of the device
- The iPod touch lacks a built-in external speaker
- The iPod touch's screen appears to be of a slightly higher quality than the iPhone, with 163 pixels per inch to the iPhone's 160 pixels per inch.


- There is no phone availability on the iPod Touch.

So there it goes, by now the only difference between iPhone 4 and the iPod Touch is the carrier contract.

(*First differences made by Ben Wilson on his article on

Monday, 6 September 2010

New Apple Store (Barcelona)

The first time I heart that Apple was considering to have a new Apple Store I thought: "Great... Yes... In U.S., right?". And I didn't put so much attention. Two months after that rumour, I read an article that certainly Apple was planning a new Apple Store. So rumour confirmed. Then, the question was: Where? When I read "Spain" I just went nuts! I could not believe that.
However, the best part was still to arrive. Different news were to come.
First, we knew the country, but not the city. As I live in Barcelona I wished it'd be in Barcelona or a city nearby. Therefore, the next new was there: "Apple is considering Madrid and Barcelona to introduce an Apple Store". No way! Barcelona was mean to be... And finally it was!
Secondly, we knew the city, but not the place. I was thrilled to have an Apple Store in Passeig de Gràcia. This is the best place to have an Apple Store! Passeig the Gràcia is like Regent's Street in London, and there there is the most beautiful Apple Store I ever seen (and I have seen a few). Apple thought that too. But no. Apple's idea was tangled by a net of I-don't-know-who's-interest-was to bet the offer of a selling place in there. Mango got it for an-amount-of-money-that-only-a-few-know. That was absolutely insane! That was, I mean, NO! Well then, Apple need some place that actually could satisfy its kind of store. So, Centre Comercial La Maquinista. I was there on the opening day.

I think that it is an absolutely-wrong-first-feet of Apple in Barcelona that I hope some day we could see en Apple Store in Passeig de Gràcia. Please?