
Twitter: emmafiegert
My designs website: Emma Fiegert

Monday, 29 November 2010

iPhone4 cases

Since I had the iPhone4 I was really worried about how to protect the beautiful glass-aluminium device. Then, I went to a store that provide me any case I could need for it, and I have tried three of them, open, semi-open and close cases.
So, here there are some of the cases, what I think about their functionality and if they really work well for the daily needs.

Open cases
   - almost full protection when not using it
   - friendly ports when using it
   - not bulky, so gets its beautiful shape
   - easy slip
   - prevents from scratches over surfaces
   - no protection when using it
   - no protection on the top of it when it's not in use
   - only can used one of the ports when it's inside the case
      (or listening to music, or charging)

                Conclusion: Recommended

                                                      Semi-open cases
   - almost full protection when not using it

   - friendly ports when using it
      (with Bumper only can be used the Apple plug to charge)
   - not very bulky
   - pretty easy slip
   - prevents scratches over surfaces because of the 2mm case
   - no back nor front fully protection
   - some people has realised that it scratches a bit of the aluminium
     (in my case it have not)

Conclusion: Recommended

                                                      Close cases
   - back protection
   - friendly ports (headphones minijack, 30-pin dock connector, mic)
   - some are not bulky (thick plastic)
   - easy slip
   - transparent
   - when making a picture with flash it gets blur and upper lighted
      (very bad!)
   - non aluminum protection
     - some are made of rubber, so it gets difficult to get out of pockets
   - some are made of very robust material, it makes it bulky

Conclusion: Not quite recommended

Other protections 
   - full screen protection from scratches
   - some of them get finger prints which original screen does not

                    Conclusion: Very recommended


Monday, 22 November 2010

Parecidos razonables (III)

He aquí otro post hablando de los parecidos que podemos encontrar con los famosillos. Esta vez también os muestro los parecidos entre diferentes personas, pero desde otro punto de vista que no sea sólo en el ambiente que se rodean. He ido más allá y he querido que esas personas se pudieran relacionar más que en el mundillo que se mueven o qué idioma hablen, o cuántos años tengan.
Tita Cervera
Dakota Fanning

Goldie Hawn

Amanda Seyfried


Otros posts relacionados:
- Parecidos razonables (I)
- Parecidos razonables (II)


Monday, 15 November 2010

Work or study?

The question: Is the university student lifetime better than the work time after the student time?
Ok, I realise that maybe at the first moment you'll get that question you can't be very objective. First, because it depends on which side you are. If you are an university student you'd think work will be a better time because you do not have exams, and when you come back home you don't have to do anything but relax. However, if you are actually working, you'd probably think that's au contraire! Secondly, it's hard to equilibrate both worlds. Here there are some of the facts to take in consideration:

(Before) As a student
- No worry about anything but "did I heart there's a party tonight?"
- New friends (and/or boy/girlfriends)
- Great lifetime in the Campus/ Erasmus
- No money refund for the work done
- Exams, so study after class
- Long time with no good job until you find it

(After) As a worker
- Money refund for the work done
- No study after work, just relax until next day
- Have home like you've ever like, not like your parents tell you to be
- Mortgage 
- Pay taxes: water, light, electricity,...
- Older

Well, there they are, some could be true according to your life some of them not... So, if you think there could be more advantages or disadvantages feel free to comment and fill the possible blanks you see could be there. Maybe we'll make a complete study of sociology!

Monday, 8 November 2010


On Friday 5th it has announced the 2000th visitant in The World of Emma's Reality! Unconsciously (or not), this is getting bigger and bigger!
I hope everyone is enjoying the site. If not, you know, you can always comment any post you like, you dislike or just want to bring new ideas. Again, you are welcome!

Monday, 1 November 2010

[Ç] Sant Narcís

FESTES DE GIRONA! És impossible que aquestes festes es puguin oblidar, i menys si tens uns amics que t'estan donant la tabarra durant tot l'any per sortir aquests dies.
Pels gironins són uns dies tant o més importants que els de Nadal!

Ara tinc el dilema, no sé quines allargarguen més la nit, si les festes de Gràcia, les de Sans o bé les de Girona... La gent és diferent, a Barcelona són barris que es gaudeix per l'esplendor de la decoració i tot un barri està despert... hi ha escenaris a cada plaça! a Girona és diferent... abans de les 12 hi ha tasts, paradetes que venen productes handmade i la festa està l'aire lliure, al costat del parc de la Devesa, molt natural tot... mai millor dit! tot està concentrat en un escenari, però és molt gros i poden cabre moltes persones! A més, hi ha les famoses barraques, super importants, són el temple sagrat durant les Fires. Estan distibuïdes en mig cercle, com un amfiteatre, i just a la punta l'escenari. Com veieu molta gresca, i més si en aquell moment toca algun grup musical. Ara que, aquest any he trobat que n'hi havien menys, o m'ho ha semblat a mi?


Res, ha estat molt bé! al menys tots els dies hem acabat d'una peça! ;)
Ahir, encara vàrem aprofitar per sortir més; avui encara ens dura la festa, però demà ja vindrà la depressió de pensar que ens tocarà esperar un altre any!