
Twitter: emmafiegert
My designs website: Emma Fiegert

Monday, 27 December 2010

2011 Series

Para el próximo año, he pensado en empezar dos series de historias:

1. Secretos Confesables: (en castellano) Esta será una serie de vivencias personales o de mis alrededores que me parezcan interesantes para compartirlas con todos vosotros. Cada primero de lunes de cada mes escribiré una historia que os acercará más a mí.

Cualquier similitud con la realidad no es pura coincidencia. Son vivencias y seguro que alguno/a las ha podido vivir. En cualquier caso espero que si alguien se siente aludido/a ¡comente! Las ganas son la clave.

(Seran vivencias durante mis años en Barcelona - pasado y presente -)

2. Mystery Tweets: (in English) This will be a story. Every last Monday of the month will be published a post of a chapter of the story. It will last until you say so or when there is nothing to tell any more.

Each story begins with a "to be continued...-mysterious" tweet at my Twitter's account (@emmafiegert) at 12:00 am of the day before the publication. The beginning of each one will be having a length of 140 characters, the maximum allowed in this social network. And since it is a very small capacity to write an entire chapter and explain a particular story, the person can access to the rest of the story through this Blog.

So, these are unfinished Tweets, which are born with the morbid curiosity (in my Twitter) and end with the desire satiated (in my blog) or wanting for more (comment on my blog + waiting for another story) ;)

(They will be stories of my lifetime in London - then and now -)

Are you in?


Monday, 20 December 2010

Parecidos razonables (IV)

Aquí va la cuarta entrega de los Parecidos razonables, que no creo que las similitudes puedan estar en alguna otra página web, porqué al menos yo no la he encontrado.
Esta vez, he añadido un factor que hace aún más interesante los parecidos. Podemos ver que si juntamos a Demi Lovato (Sonny with a Chance, Camp Rock 2: Final Jam) y Selena Gómez (Wizards of Waverly Place, Ramona & Beezus) nos puede salir una actriz británica, que me encanta y por muchos no conocida, éste es el caso de Jemima Rooper (As If, Lost In Austen); y el mismo resultado nos queda al juntar a Lea Michele (Glee) y Idina Menzel (Enchanted, Glee). Otras que también podría incluírse sería Hayley Williams (vocal de Paramore) y rozando el límite de parecido la actriz estadounidense Hilary Swank, que ambas juntas puede quedar una fase final de Jemima Rooper.

Idina Menzel

Lea Michele

Hilary Swank

Hayley Williams

Selena Gómez
Demi Lovato

Jemima Rooper

Otros posts relacionados:
- Parecidos razonables (I)
- Parecidos razonables (II)
- Parecidos razonables (III)



Monday, 13 December 2010

Free apps vs. paid apps

For the most of iPod Touch, iPhone and iPad users try to get the best of its products owned. However, to do so we have to enhance the device to whole new level to make it really useful. For that matter we download different apps to make the perfect device for the daily uses. The problem comes when all of this apps have to be paid. It is true that we live in a society that refuses to pay something that can be bought for no money. So there it comes when human being puts all its mind to care new ways of getting those needs for free. In the case of Apple app store it is already done. There are apps that has to be paid to own them, which that means they are good for its purposes, but there are others that actually are free and they are good to that purposes too.

It is also true that when apps are free we tend to download quicklier (without thinking too much) than the paid ones. It does not matter if the free apps are useful, the matter is that they are free! However, sometimes it is difficult to know whether a free app is really useful or not.

On the other hand, there are free apps that actually have the full features that a standard user needs, with no need to pay for the full version. Here there are some of the lite version of apps that mostly replace some of the features of the full version apps, which actually most of us only use when we have it.

First, Penultimate (for iPad). This app is sort of a virtual notebook. It costs US $3.99. However, for those that only want to write something down or just make a little drawing and use it casually, do we need to pay $4? NO! There is an alternative, Adobe Ideas, it is free and works for iPad, iPod Touch and iPhone!
Mind to be the same with Note Taker HD (for iPad).

Second, GoodReader (for iPad). This app costs US $1.99. If you are those that just want to read some documents that had been sent to your device, GoodReader is more than enough. It gives you the possibility to modify those docs that you have previously downloaded and "audio/video player and Safari-like viewer for MS Office and iWorks files". However, for those that only what to watch, zip, download and share documents, there are: PlainText for writing a document, ZipFileViewer for zip documents, Downloads lite for download documents filed on links. And, well, you guessed, they are all free!

In any case, these are some alternatives for those people who do not what to spend a lot of money for apps, and also do not need all of its features or not really going to use them very much. However, if you are of those people that really need every feature of an app, do not hesitate, buy it! Sometimes full daily work apps are not expensive when they are really need and used.

Note: When you click the link you will see the web page of the app on Apple UK site. In order to change language and the app store of your country, mind to go to the top web page bar and change "/uk/" to the ccTLD (Internet country code top-level domain) where you living, in exception of those countries that Apple does not have store, that you will have to remain to the Apple UK site.


Monday, 29 November 2010

iPhone4 cases

Since I had the iPhone4 I was really worried about how to protect the beautiful glass-aluminium device. Then, I went to a store that provide me any case I could need for it, and I have tried three of them, open, semi-open and close cases.
So, here there are some of the cases, what I think about their functionality and if they really work well for the daily needs.

Open cases
   - almost full protection when not using it
   - friendly ports when using it
   - not bulky, so gets its beautiful shape
   - easy slip
   - prevents from scratches over surfaces
   - no protection when using it
   - no protection on the top of it when it's not in use
   - only can used one of the ports when it's inside the case
      (or listening to music, or charging)

                Conclusion: Recommended

                                                      Semi-open cases
   - almost full protection when not using it

   - friendly ports when using it
      (with Bumper only can be used the Apple plug to charge)
   - not very bulky
   - pretty easy slip
   - prevents scratches over surfaces because of the 2mm case
   - no back nor front fully protection
   - some people has realised that it scratches a bit of the aluminium
     (in my case it have not)

Conclusion: Recommended

                                                      Close cases
   - back protection
   - friendly ports (headphones minijack, 30-pin dock connector, mic)
   - some are not bulky (thick plastic)
   - easy slip
   - transparent
   - when making a picture with flash it gets blur and upper lighted
      (very bad!)
   - non aluminum protection
     - some are made of rubber, so it gets difficult to get out of pockets
   - some are made of very robust material, it makes it bulky

Conclusion: Not quite recommended

Other protections 
   - full screen protection from scratches
   - some of them get finger prints which original screen does not

                    Conclusion: Very recommended


Monday, 22 November 2010

Parecidos razonables (III)

He aquí otro post hablando de los parecidos que podemos encontrar con los famosillos. Esta vez también os muestro los parecidos entre diferentes personas, pero desde otro punto de vista que no sea sólo en el ambiente que se rodean. He ido más allá y he querido que esas personas se pudieran relacionar más que en el mundillo que se mueven o qué idioma hablen, o cuántos años tengan.
Tita Cervera
Dakota Fanning

Goldie Hawn

Amanda Seyfried


Otros posts relacionados:
- Parecidos razonables (I)
- Parecidos razonables (II)


Monday, 15 November 2010

Work or study?

The question: Is the university student lifetime better than the work time after the student time?
Ok, I realise that maybe at the first moment you'll get that question you can't be very objective. First, because it depends on which side you are. If you are an university student you'd think work will be a better time because you do not have exams, and when you come back home you don't have to do anything but relax. However, if you are actually working, you'd probably think that's au contraire! Secondly, it's hard to equilibrate both worlds. Here there are some of the facts to take in consideration:

(Before) As a student
- No worry about anything but "did I heart there's a party tonight?"
- New friends (and/or boy/girlfriends)
- Great lifetime in the Campus/ Erasmus
- No money refund for the work done
- Exams, so study after class
- Long time with no good job until you find it

(After) As a worker
- Money refund for the work done
- No study after work, just relax until next day
- Have home like you've ever like, not like your parents tell you to be
- Mortgage 
- Pay taxes: water, light, electricity,...
- Older

Well, there they are, some could be true according to your life some of them not... So, if you think there could be more advantages or disadvantages feel free to comment and fill the possible blanks you see could be there. Maybe we'll make a complete study of sociology!

Monday, 8 November 2010


On Friday 5th it has announced the 2000th visitant in The World of Emma's Reality! Unconsciously (or not), this is getting bigger and bigger!
I hope everyone is enjoying the site. If not, you know, you can always comment any post you like, you dislike or just want to bring new ideas. Again, you are welcome!

Monday, 1 November 2010

[Ç] Sant Narcís

FESTES DE GIRONA! És impossible que aquestes festes es puguin oblidar, i menys si tens uns amics que t'estan donant la tabarra durant tot l'any per sortir aquests dies.
Pels gironins són uns dies tant o més importants que els de Nadal!

Ara tinc el dilema, no sé quines allargarguen més la nit, si les festes de Gràcia, les de Sans o bé les de Girona... La gent és diferent, a Barcelona són barris que es gaudeix per l'esplendor de la decoració i tot un barri està despert... hi ha escenaris a cada plaça! a Girona és diferent... abans de les 12 hi ha tasts, paradetes que venen productes handmade i la festa està l'aire lliure, al costat del parc de la Devesa, molt natural tot... mai millor dit! tot està concentrat en un escenari, però és molt gros i poden cabre moltes persones! A més, hi ha les famoses barraques, super importants, són el temple sagrat durant les Fires. Estan distibuïdes en mig cercle, com un amfiteatre, i just a la punta l'escenari. Com veieu molta gresca, i més si en aquell moment toca algun grup musical. Ara que, aquest any he trobat que n'hi havien menys, o m'ho ha semblat a mi?


Res, ha estat molt bé! al menys tots els dies hem acabat d'una peça! ;)
Ahir, encara vàrem aprofitar per sortir més; avui encara ens dura la festa, però demà ja vindrà la depressió de pensar que ens tocarà esperar un altre any!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Apple Sneak Peek (October 20th)

Seriously? Is that all? I don't know, but when Apple plans to do a Keynote, even if it is not the "big one" in June, I think that Apple has to make a huge improvement on their products. Every time, after I watch one of those Sneak Peek, I am really excited. This time, however, after watching it, I wasn't. The excitement that came to me when I have heard about this October Keynote it came deeply down, and all my positive feelings about getting a new product or at least have a big leap in my Mac software were diseased.

- About the new MacBook Air... Well, all right, it is a netbook but without CD slot... I have the iPad, I have a MacBook Pro, where's the deal?
- About Facetime for Mac... Well, all right, it can only run in Mac OS X Snow Leaopard... Oh, darn! I have Mac OS X Leopard in all my Macbooks... "Great"!

Further information from the Sneak Peek, click here.

Although I have said all of this above, I though that maybe we are pushing too much Apple Inc. to impress us in a short period of time. I believe that every company has to make the best effort to improve their products. However, that doesn't mean that we have to wait for them so quick that we have no time to know the evolution of the previous one. With all that, I want to share that Apple Inc. is one of the best technology companies in the world. They had won this definition because they really work hard, and we are, testing their products, helping them to know what is the best technology for us. But it is not a help making them rush out, because science is a matter of time, work and cooperation, not a bunch of critics that goes nowhere but making the main definition of evolution empty.

So, for that matter, I try to write what I feel in the way that actually can not hurt the one or the what I am criticising.

Monday, 18 October 2010

Parecidos razonables (II)

Sabemos que hay siempre famosas que se parecen, bien se ve en las diferentes actrices y cantantes del "mundillo" y bien ya lo comenté con el post del 20 de septiembre de 2010. Como sabía que siempre hay los/las que nos gusta ir más allá que no sólo quedarnos con un post de "parecidos razonables"... he buscado otras famosillas que se parezcan.

Kelly Clarkson, Mandy Moore & Julia Stiles


Otros posts relacionados:
- Parecidos razonables (I)
- Parecidos razonables (III)


Monday, 11 October 2010

Out of Town

Recommended link: Life out of web. Sunny, cloudy, rainy, better living it than seeing it.

Monday, 4 October 2010

Productos genuínamente falsos

Además de esto, también encontramos otros ads que ofrecen comprar diferentes productos que aparentemente son reales y con "¡mucha calidad!". Ya... En fin, ¿Alguien sabe que es un Android Tablet PC? Aunque así se llamara un producto, la foto del ad no tiene desperdicio: ¡Te pagan por tenerlo! ¡Lo compras con -125€!

Este anuncio tampoco tiene desperdicio. Presentan un teléfono móbil con las mismas características que un modelo iPhone 3GS, pero con un toque de iPod Touch y un OS Android (cámara, FM, Java, etc...). La oferta es también es melosa, ¡te dan (te hacen) un 10% de descuento!

Otro anuncio que es digno de ser visto, que también trata de un móbil similar al de iPhone es el HiPhone. Este trata de ser como los demás pero con el último modelo hasta la fecha (2010), el iPhone 4. El diseño es muy parecido, pero parece aún mejor. Parece... Tiene Java, televisión y lugar para doble tarjeta SIM... ¡Y sólo cuesta 129 Dólares! (Unos 93 Euros)

El mismo anuncio semanas después se puede ver que el precio ha bajado ¡considerablemente!, y eso no es todo. Ya entra dentro del mercado europeo y regala una tarjeta de 2GB, con TV, dos SIM... En fin, sin más comentarios a añadir.

Otro y último anuncio de este post es sobre el iPad, lo encontré el miércoles pasado, con lo cual hace ya casi medio año que lo sacaron y aún me dicen que "Todavía no está en las tiendas".
Con todo esto, me viene un telele...

Monday, 27 September 2010


En muchas páginas web encontramos que nos ofrecen jugar a cambio de una "recompensa", la cual está asociada al juego que se juega. Como soy una fan Apple y normalmente entros en sites que tienen algo que ver con los productos de éste. Por consiguiente los anuncios, juegos que se me presentan en las páginas pueden ser diversos tipos.

Ya sé que he posteado otras veces sobre diferentes ads, pero como que éstos son nuevos y tienen algo que ver con lo que me gusta, es decir, la tecnología Apple, pues aquí os lo enseño.

Aquí hay otro anuncio, que aunque no sea de tecnología también vale la pena mirárselo, pues es básicamente, digámoslo, diferente de los demás de fútbol.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Parecidos razonables (I)

Bien es muldialmente sabido que hay actores y actrices que tienen un gran parecido. Aún se acentúa más cuando éstas siguen una moda concreta. Sea el maquillaje, sea el peinado, sea la manera de vestir.

Aquí os hago una relación de una estirpe de bellezas muy parecidas entre sí: Lilly Alen, Emily Blunt, Zoey Deschannel, Anna Friel, Katy Perry.
Aunque se parezcan, me encanta el rasgo característico que cada una de ellas quiere presumir.

Lilly Alen
Emily Blunt

Zoey Deschannel

Anna Friel

Katy Perry

Otros posts relacionados:

- Parecidos razonables (II)
- Parecidos razonables (III)


Monday, 13 September 2010


With the occasion of the new Apple September '10 Keynote; which, as usually, was about music products of Apple Inc. I wanted to fill the points to the list of the differences between the iPhone and the new (sept. '10) iPod Touch. And, as seen on the first time both gadgets (2007), I wanted to make an update*.

- There is no email client on the iPod Touch
- There is no Maps application on the iPod Touch
- There are no Stocks or Weather widgets on the iPod Touch
- There is no built-in camera for the iPod Touch
- There are no Blutooth capabilities for the iPod Touch
- The iPod Touch has a differently styled "Dock," with a reflective surface -- akin to the Dock that will debut with Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
- While the iPod Touch is sleeping, the user can tap the home button twice to bring up touch controls on the screen -- a feature the iPhone currently lacks
- The iPod Touch has a separate Contacts app -- it's built into the Phone application on the iPhone
- The iPod Touch has separate Video and Music apps, whereas the iPhone has a single "iPod" app that contains these functions
- There is apparently (and obviously) no microphone on the iPod Touch, though it will be interesting to see if such audio-in capabilities could be enabled via a third-party device.
- The iPod touch's headphone jack is on the bottom of the device
- The iPod touch lacks a built-in external speaker
- The iPod touch's screen appears to be of a slightly higher quality than the iPhone, with 163 pixels per inch to the iPhone's 160 pixels per inch.


- There is no phone availability on the iPod Touch.

So there it goes, by now the only difference between iPhone 4 and the iPod Touch is the carrier contract.

(*First differences made by Ben Wilson on his article on

Monday, 6 September 2010

New Apple Store (Barcelona)

The first time I heart that Apple was considering to have a new Apple Store I thought: "Great... Yes... In U.S., right?". And I didn't put so much attention. Two months after that rumour, I read an article that certainly Apple was planning a new Apple Store. So rumour confirmed. Then, the question was: Where? When I read "Spain" I just went nuts! I could not believe that.
However, the best part was still to arrive. Different news were to come.
First, we knew the country, but not the city. As I live in Barcelona I wished it'd be in Barcelona or a city nearby. Therefore, the next new was there: "Apple is considering Madrid and Barcelona to introduce an Apple Store". No way! Barcelona was mean to be... And finally it was!
Secondly, we knew the city, but not the place. I was thrilled to have an Apple Store in Passeig de Gràcia. This is the best place to have an Apple Store! Passeig the Gràcia is like Regent's Street in London, and there there is the most beautiful Apple Store I ever seen (and I have seen a few). Apple thought that too. But no. Apple's idea was tangled by a net of I-don't-know-who's-interest-was to bet the offer of a selling place in there. Mango got it for an-amount-of-money-that-only-a-few-know. That was absolutely insane! That was, I mean, NO! Well then, Apple need some place that actually could satisfy its kind of store. So, Centre Comercial La Maquinista. I was there on the opening day.

I think that it is an absolutely-wrong-first-feet of Apple in Barcelona that I hope some day we could see en Apple Store in Passeig de Gràcia. Please?

Monday, 30 August 2010


When you enter in a site, wherever it is, you find, as always, ads. Usually you find ads related to the site you are visiting, right? Ok. However, when you are in a site and you think "what on earth is that ad taking place here", that moment is when I get my thoughts for that post.

For starting, ads are very useful. They can give you the path to enter in other sites that are related to, and maybe you will be redirected in sumplace that it is interesting for you. Great! That is what they pretend to be. However, there are lots of them that are, actually, really (really) useless. I don't mean with "useless", simply lack of use, I mean lack of use to the interest of the person visiting the site. Oh, come on! Don't you think that a medical ad that you see in a page of a musician isn't correct in there? There will be fine if it is a medical or health care site.

However, there are sometimes that even when they relate the site to an ad makes the perfect companion but not very close to it. It is like an animal care site had a company which sells leather and fur clothes. Ops! That's not good at all!
This video is an example on YouTube from kalebnation.

Oh! the very good ones are those ads that appear everyplace with "Wanna create a baby? Hey it's free!". What the buck? Oh, oh! And those that gives you the opportunity to sort dress like a grown up (or that is what I thought I have understood). And what about those that can tell ya the future or the past!! I don't know what to think...

Anyway... here there are a few ads.