
Twitter: emmafiegert
My designs website: Emma Fiegert

Monday 31 January 2011

I DO like Mondays

People ask me a question: Why I post on Mondays?
And I tell 'em: Because I like Mondays.

Actually, I don't like Mondays as much as Fridays or Saturdays do, but I have to deal with them, so I like them. Mondays, as it is wrongly known, are not the worst day of the week. It's true that it's the first day of the week of working and we have to leave all weekend's fun behind. However, we have to be more positive and give a chance to that day to be wonderful as any other can be and carry on with smile on the face! If you don't, sure you'll miss a lot of good things that could eventually happen in a everyday life time. Because, when you think all can't go on right, then you have to say: Ok, I'm here, I have to deal with today, why not deal it with the very best smile?
Be yourself happy and you'll make the other to be happy too.

Do you need inspiration?
- Take your friends close to you and make your everyday life time to be like a whole new and challenging day. Life is more exciting in that mood!
- Don't like your job or work space? Put in mind anything of your job which makes you happy, or at least, make you less bored or unhappy (it does not matter how insignificant it is). Then, connect it to the next thing that makes you happy too (or less unhappy) and related to other things that could be similar, and so on. It's a chain of the not-so-interesting-things to be the-things-that-make-your-day-easier. I'm sure that now there's just a few things that you don't like about your job.

- If you are in Twitter... an inspiration is @FGrau. Francesc is one of the most positive people I've meet in this social network. So, when he starts a new week he just say: Empezando una nueva semana con fuerza e ilusión, which in English could be like 'Starting a new week with strength and hope'. That's the point, that's the attitude!

*Note: Photo taken by John at Yukon (Alaska).

I can't conclude this post without mentioning that yesterday was the 32nd anniversary of the disastrous murdering of Brenda Ann Spencer. He killed ten people for 'fun', because he 'wanted to be on the TV', and, well, 'she didn't like Mondays'. (More info)

In any case... 
 Happy Monday to everyone!


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